交通資訊 Getting Here

• 高雄市捷運紅線

–R13 凹子底站3 號出口
–R14 巨蛋站4 號出口.
–步行由博愛路轉明誠二路過自由路口或轉乘紅 33 或3 路公車

• Kaohsiung Subway Train--Red Line

–Get off at Aozidi Station, and walk out from exit 3.
–Walking north along Boai Road (or bound for Hanshin Department Stores) and turn right to Mingcheng 2nd Road. Pass through Ziyou 2nd Road and walk another 50 meters long, then Peace Psychiatric Clinic in on the left.

• 高雄市公車

–紅33 明誠幹線公車

• Bus System

–Get on city Bus Red 33, and get off at Heti Park stop or Mingcheng Road stop.
–Get on city Bus 8502A or 8502B, and get off at Heti Park stop or Mingcheng Road stop.
–Get on the South Taiwan Bus route 3, and get off at Heti Park stop or 水利會 stop.



•Kaohsiung Train Station

–Please take subway train to R13 Aozidi station and then walk out from exit 4. Thereafter walking or taking a bus to Peace Psychiatric clinic.



•Taiwan High Speed Rail Zuoying Station

–Subway train: please get off the subway train at R13 Aozidi station, then walk or take a city bus Red 33 to Peace Psychiatric Clinic.